How Often do You Clean Your Mattress?
Cleaning and refreshing your mattress is a job often forgotten about. We clean the entire bedroom, put on fresh bedsheets often but do not clean the mattress itself.
An average adult spends 1/3 of their life in bed, they produce around 285ml of sweat each night, shedding 454g of dead skin cells over a year, with a bed containing on average 10,000 dust mites. Now that is a reason to clean.
Have you never cleaned your mattress before? That’s ok, from a quick survey of our friends and family we found out they also don’t too. Once we gave them these facts they too felt like they needed to clean their mattress immediately.

So, How do I Clean a Mattress?
Firstly, all bedding should be removed so that the mattress is left bare. You might open the windows at this point to air the mattress out and allow it to quickly dry when cleaning.
You can then hoover the mattress, removing any dead skin cells and those crumbs from your toast in bed. Hoover thoroughly, using a different tool on the end of the hoover to get closer into the mattress.
Once this is done you might like to use a product to clean the mattress, such as an upholstery or natural carpet cleaning solution if you wish. Please always check the label on the mattress to find out the best way to do this. Perhaps it just needs a wipe down.
Cleaning with a solution is ok, but there is something you should know if you are trying to get rid of odours.
The Thing With Mattress Cleaning Solutions
Although you can clean the mattress with a solution, it is difficult due to the risk of over-wetting. It is also virtually impossible to get rid of the odour in a mattress with any cleaning solution.
That’s why we created Mattress Fresh, odour neutraliser specifically designed to eliminate odours from mattresses. You can simply spray the solution over the mattress, smelling that wonderful fig and cassis fragrance as you do so. Then allow the mattress to dry before you put any bedding back on.
The fragrance is a lovely soothing smell to have whilst you sleep.
The product has a reactivating odour treatment that continues to prevent the odour even after application. It also locks in the fig and cassis fragrance, locking out bad odours to make your mattress fresh.
Flipping Your Mattress
It is recommended that mattresses be flipped every 3-6 months if it is double sided. You might also like to rotate it so that different areas of the mattress are slept on.
If you are flipping the mattress, make sure that Mattress Fresh solution dries first – open the windows and air out the mattress and repeat on the other side if you wish.
What Smells Does Mattress Fresh Remove?
Mattress Fresh has a reactivating odour treatment that keeps working to get rid of any bad smells. It is great at deodorising any smells, particularly urine, sweat, vomit etc that might of come in contact with the mattress.
Mattress Fresh Fragrance
Fig and Cassis, we love this fragrance. It smells so good, and we hope you love it too.
Deodorised Your Mattress with Mattress Fresh?
Let us know your results. Keep this product handy to tackle any unwanted smells in the home on your mattress, or simply for a lovely freshen up and to enjoy that scent in your bed.